Tactical Carbine Applications 1

Tactical Carbine Applications 1

8 Hours / $300



Tactical Carbine Applications 1 is designed for those familiar with the carbine platform and looking to improve their ability to employ it in a competitive, defensive, or tactical environment.

Students are taught marksmanship under pressure, employing a handgun in addition to a carbine, moving to and using cover, and communicating in a team setting.


Required Equipment:

  • 500 rounds of ammunition for carbine (minimum)
  • 150 rounds of ammunition for handgun (minimum)
  • Carbine w/ a sling
  • Handgun and holster for handgun
  • 3 magazines minimum (for each firearm, more is encouraged)
  • Ear Protection (electronic preferred)
  • Eye Protection

Topics Include:

  • Safety
  • Engagement Methodology
  • After engagement actions
  • Multiple Targets
  • Transitioning to Handgun
  • Communication
  • Movement
  • Alternate shooting positions
  • Utilizing Cover

Recommended Equipment:

  • Magazine pouches (reloading from pockets is acceptable)
  • Battle belt or chest rig, or purpose-built messenger bag/active shooter kit
  • Gloves
  • Firearm lubricant

Additional Considerations:

  • Sunscreen
  • Drinking water
  • Snacks/Food
  • Tools for firearms
  • Firearms lubricant


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