Carbine Confidence

Carbine Confidence 

6 HRS / $175

Carbine Confidence focuses on building lasting confidence in handling and manipulating a carbine. This training will build new skills and expand your abilities with demonstration, dry fire practice, and live fire practical applications.


Topics Include:

  • Firearms safety
  • Gear and equipment optimization
  • Applied marksmanship
  • Zeroing
  • Carbine employment
  • Engagement methodology
  • Marksmanship at speed
  • Reloads and stoppages
  • Multiple targets

Required Equipment:

  • 250-300 rounds of ammunition (minimum)
  • Carbine w/ a sling
  • Three magazines (minimum)
  • Ear Protection (electronic preferred)/ Eye Protection

Recommended Equipment:

  • Magazine pouches
  • Gloves
  • Firearm lubricant
  • Tools for carbine (sight adjuster, carbine-specific tools, etc.)


Additional Considerations:

  • Note-taking materials
  • Snacks/Water
  • Bug spray/Sunscreen
  • Dress for the weather
  • Firearms Tools



  • None

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